

As of spring 2024


  • Support Ubuntu 24
  • Support magnifier plugins
  • Hold shift to load files freshly (no remembered format)
  • Hold ctrl to load files freshly (no guessed format)
  • Fix sandboxed image sequence handing (macOS)
  • Better cursor focus handling on goto-dialogs (Windows, thx ukowa)
  • Transfer characteristics and primaries from mov/mp4 is now used
  • Fix occasional planar floating point display issues
  • Fix occasional issues when displaying OpenEXR files
  • … and shy fixes.


  • Diff plugin metrics are supported for metrics dump now
  • Support HLG as transfer function
  • Fix handling plugin licenses
  • … and keen fixes.


  • Fix runtime errors on macOS Sonoma
  • … and some urgent fixes


  • Support R10k / R10g data packing for RGB
  • Refrain from precalculating diffs and instead speed up the legacy approach.
  • … and some sober fixes


  • Support single channel OpenEXR
  • ΔE-ITP metric for HDR Diffs
  • … and some fat fixes


  • Diff metrics are now calculated once and beforehand / concurrently: speed.
  • Support interleaved RGB with leading alpha value, such as ARGB64
  • Fix for signed planar input on Intel machines
  • Enhanced Windows input file dialog
  • … and some lean fixes


  • Fixed metrics dump not writing proper VMAF results
  • Fixed a scaling bug for 420 chroma
  • … and some clever fixes


  • Fix loading of odd widths/heights for planar input
  • Fix loading JPEGs here and there
  • … and the dull fixes


  • VMAF difference metric (win/macOS)
  • Native macOS Big Sur / M1 support (universal app)
  • … and the obscure fixes


  • Faster startup
  • Warn if plugin directory is inside app bundle
  • Support macOS Big Sur (via Rosetta fttb)
  • Fix crash on normalizing the file name
  • … and the filthy fixes


  • Better cache handling
  • vooya plugin API v6
  • Internal reorg: streng geheim.
  • Fix for display of odd NV12 resolutions
  • … and the beefy fixes
  • No Big Sur support yet
  • AppImage should allow other modern Linuxes to run vooya


  • Fixes for macOS
  • … and the alleged fixes


  • More stability in linux systems
  • Fix higher bit depth 422 packed formats
  • Plugins to receive frame count, if any
  • … and the grim fixes


  • Fix Ubuntu 16 support when libpng16 is not there
  • Fix metrix dump sometimes forgetting a frame
  • Fix persisting cli diff offset
  • Fix macOS Catalina UI issues
  • … and the void fixes


  • Recent diff combinations now also remember frame offsets and diff mode
  • Fix for voo+ (ProRes/MOV/MP4 support) not always working properly on Linux
  • Fix for swapped chroma channel values in magnifier for uyvy-like formats
  • Fix using --plugin <<…>> with an input video file on macOS
  • … and the ε-fixes


  • Allow greater bit depths for NV12 and NV21
  • Fix IPT (Ebner) channel swap
  • Add ICtCp color space
  • … both with hardware acceleration for planar formats
  • Ubuntu 19 support
  • … and the delta fixes


  • Added option to "open as" something, e. g. raw or some plugin
  • Support IPT (Ebner) and YCbCr w/ Dolby PQ as integer and floating point
  • Nits nonsense is gone. Might return with a tone mapper.
  • Subtle gamma conversion dropped. Might not return, whatever happens.
  • DPX format: Fix a stride bug for 16bit and now also supporting packed 10/12bit
  • Fix Drag and Drop on macOS Mojave (lower macOS versions no longer supported)
  • Fix scaling with special DPI on Windows
  • Fix crash on updating/Windows
  • Fix copy frame w/ magnifier on Windows
  • Fix fullscreen display on macOS
  • … and inherent fixes


  • Dark mode for macOS Mojave (lower macOS versions no longer supported)
  • Mark difference file with a Δ
  • Print each difference file's frame count individually
  • Show changes for of upcoming versions in update dialog
  • Allow > 10bit for UYVY (Linux)
  • Fixed loading of MOV/MP4 plugin when no proper plugin path is set
  • Fixed wrong 1st diff pixel for uYvY-like diff views
  • … and fundamental fixes


  • Remember min/max floating point values
  • Windows version's magnifier was wrong in 1.9.7, at times
  • Allow uyvy-like formats for ITP
  • Fix: vooya would not handle well strange plugin paths
  • Fix: some MOV files would not be played by voo+
  • … and sore fixes


  • Drag-Drop image format is remembered
  • Async frame count update mechanism is more robust now
  • macOS console window now shows messages that came before its appearance
  • … and sensual fixes


  • Faster rendering on macOS 10.13 and Windows, fixing potential jitter/artifacts
  • TIFF screenshots are now stored in 16bit RGB
  • … and steam fixes


  • Fixed annoying crashes on older processors
  • Added interleaved 4:4:4 floating point support
  • … and soft fixes


  • Fixed bug with display of 16bit planar formats
  • … and no more fixes


  • Faster rendering for planar formats on newer processors
  • User can now choose NV21 from command line
  • Fixed unresponsive format dialog on macOS when resolution is unknown
  • … and a few rude fixes

1.9.1 April 04, 2o18


  • Support mov and mp4 (plugin from github.com/arionik/vooPLUS)
  • Support different color channel order for NV12 (i.e. support NV21, thx, Arkady!)
  • Report color space used in short info, unless it is plain YCbCr
  • Fix crashing cache when Format Dialog is used (Windows), thx Huhn
  • Add HLG-related EOTFs
  • Some minor GUI enhancements
  • … and the alleged fixes and enhancements

1.9.0 February 8, 2o18


  • Ubuntu 17/64bit version
  • Fast y4m loading (who uses this dumb format and why?)
  • Support higher bit depths in y4m (AV1-like "C420p12" etc.)
  • Support AVI (raw and mjpeg)
  • Always use hi quality scaling for BinaryDiff
  • Use native JPEG color format, if applicable
  • Plugins may now update their frame count asynchronously
  • Fix aspect ratio display / macOS
  • … and rapid fixes

1.8.4 December 9, 2o17


  • Plugin API now allows pixel-wise diff callbacks and printing text
  • Put a diff gain knob into the lower bar like on macOS/Win (Linux)
  • Optionally display rendered FPS (View Menu)
  • Fix for occasionally slow playback on windows
  • Fix for occasionally too fast/unresponsive playback on windows (thx ukowa)
  • … and stiff upper fixes

1.8.3 November 22, 2o17


  • Move larger video with ctrl/option-<<arrow>>
  • Difference gain is no longer reflected in histogram
  • Fix for low bit depth file display
  • … and awkward fixes

1.8.2 October 2nd, 2o17


  • Fix for 4:4:4-planar formats
  • Manjaro/ARCH version
  • … and rigid fixes

1.8.1 September 22, 2o17


  • Speed ups and optimizations
  • macOS: click dock icon to cycle windows
  • Linux: added "Open File Location" (Ctrl-E)
  • Dropped YUY2 (alias for YUYV) and support YVYU instead
  • Fixed occasional failure of opening (larger) files
  • Fixed occasional failure of planar 420 (double floating point) rendering
  • Fixed Linux Synchronized Playing (QT sucks, my apologies)
  • Fixed Linux window title setting in difference view
  • Now officially non-smoking
  • … and sound fixes

1.8 Aug 20, 2o17


  • P010, P016 format support
  • Plugins can have global settings now
  • vooya now helps with installing plugins
  • A console window can be used to dump messages from plugins
  • Added --plugin <<binary>> command line flag to load just one plugin
  • Histogram for bit depths other than 8 or 16 was buggy sometimes
  • Fixed linux command line parsing
  • Fixed macOS opening with dropped file
  • … and amère fixes


1.7.3 March 24, 2o17

  • Added --header_bytes command line option
  • Fixed Histogram update on macOS
  • Allow higher quality upscaling (View Menu)
  • Magnifier text is now also saved in images (windows)
  • Faster zooming when not fit2window (macOS)
  • Fixed a crash when opening floating point data
  • Fixed grid display on macOS
  • Fixed Windows console output
  • … and luminous fixes


December 20, 2o16

  • Fixed Opening DPX and EXR with unspecified or bad aspect ratio
  • Fixed Histogram crash for bad input data
  • Fixed erroneous call of histogram plugin callback function
  • … and versatile fixes


December 12, 2o16

  • Optional Cache for High Resolution / slow loading
  • Magnifier size now kind of switchable
  • Get a preview also for TIFF, DPX, Radiance etc.
  • Extended File Info Window
  • Experimental support for ICtCp (a.k.a. ITP) color space
  • Allow more raw formats and color spaces for TIFF images
  • Allow v410 packing for HSV color space
  • Linux Look and Feel like Windows' now
  • Faster Magnifier on Linux
  • CentOS 7 64bit version
  • Menu reorganization
  • macOS Sierra compatibility
  • Better DPI support for Windows
  • … and liquid fixes


September XX, 2o16

  • Added option to create directories on the fly on saving (OSX)
  • Allow "<<something>> | vooya" (no args) on console
  • Fixed: Deinterlacing sometimes happened to show some artefacts
  • (Sandboxed OSX) Fixed: loading of file sequences failed sometimes
  • … and unlikely fixes


September 2nd, 2o16

  • Windows now 64bit, if applicable
  • Ubuntu 16 support
  • Real yuv10 support
  • Deeper support for PQ/ST.2084
  • Experimental Plugin API
  • Go2Pixel to open magnifier quickly at exact position (Tools Menu)
  • Grid color can now be customized
  • Added --order and --color2 command line flags
  • Color spaces are now auto-detected from filename, e.g. "2020F.rgb" (thanks, Anders)
  • Fixed: Format dialog could crash sometimes (OSX)
  • Fixed: Reload behaviour was weird sometimes
  • Fixed: Calculation issues for files with endian swap
  • … and invisible fixes


March 14, 2o16

  • Added difference side-by-side mode
  • Differentiate between full-range- and video-YCbCr
  • Metrics display is also toggled by "Timecode etc." or "T"
  • Fixed: Histogram display of signed differences
  • Fixed: Metrics dump omitted first frame — sorry!
  • Fixed: r210 and v410 chroma PSNR was set to zero
  • Fixed: Dragging screenshot into Skype on Windows
  • Fixed: Single frame y4m (thanks, tmatth)
  • … and secret fixes


February 24, 2o16

  • Color
  • r210 and v410 raw data support
  • Support .hdr (Radiance) format
  • Added some transfer functions
  • Experimental YCgCo, P3 and ACES Support
  • Added constant global display color settings
  • User-specified download location for update packages (Win)
  • Optionally, floating point diff's PNSR can be calculated from frame's per-channel maxima/minima.
  • Embarrassing: update notification swapped current and new version (thanks, mwege)
  • FIXED: did you see any difference between ITU color space settings? Me neither.
  • FIXED: Re-enabled full channel permutation for Luma-Chroma formats
  • FIXED: Aspect Ratio Display / OS X
  • … special fixes.


January 22, 2o16

  • Speed
  • Support for one-file-per-frame sequences
  • TGA sequence support is back
  • Added "--endian yes|no" and "--flipped yes|no" command line switches
  • Histogram logarithmic display is remembered
  • Fix for tiled TIFF
  • … the unusual fixes.


January 16, 2o16

  • OpenEXR has a default gamma of 2.2 again
  • Playlist support (Press P)
  • … the usual fixes.


January 3, 2o16

  • Faster startup on Mac
  • Better magnifier and drawing performance
  • Move magnifier with shift faster or from grid block to grid block
  • New command line options:
    --loop, --histogram, --fullscreen, --screen, --signed
  • Grid size and HEVC stuff are now saved per sequence
  • PNG input support with up to 16bits and gray
  • Added a dedicated difference gain control (Windows, OS X)
  • Fixed conversion of v210 content
  • Fixed pasting into powerpoint and other MS-office crap
  • Fixed a crash on reading CINEON files
  • Fixed TIFF reading of planar RGB files
  • Fixed a frame count bug on reading image sequences
  • UI enhancements
  • Minor bug fixes


December 2, 2o14

  • F5 triggers windows reload
  • Tiled TIFF support; JPEG-TIFF for Windows
  • YUV, make coloring consistent with hardware colors (Y is green etc.)
  • Fixed a crash when showing HEVC CTU properties
  • UI Fixes