
vooya Command Line Interface

Command Line Usage

The basic syntax is vooya [options] path/to/my/file.yuv where options are:

  --width, -w           <<N>>    Set video width
  --height, -h          <<N>>    Set video height
  --rate, -r            <<D>>    Set video frame rate
  --packing             <<C>>    Set data arrangement, "p420" etc.
  --order               <<C>>    Set channel order
  --color               <<C>>    Set color space  (yuv,rgb etc.)
  --color2              <<C>>    Further description of color
  --container, -c       <<C>>    Specify container format. "raw" and "y4m"
                                 as well as input plugin identifiers
                                 are supported (for pipe input)
  --bits, -b            <<N>>    Bit depth (if applicable)
  --container_bits, -cb <<N>>    Container bit depth for planar formats
  --header_bytes, -hb   <<N>>    Header bytes to skip
  --signed              yes|no   Set sample values signed or unsigned
  --endian              yes|no   Toggle endianness (for bit depths > 8)
  --flipped             yes|no   Show video upside down
  --play, -p                     Play immediately
  --diff, -d            <<file>> Show difference against <<file>>
  --diff_offset, -do    <<N>>    Specify frame offset of secondary diff file
  --scale               <<D>>    scale video display (floating point number)
  --metrics             <<file>> dump difference metrics directly to
                                 <<file>> (a file name or "stdout","stderr")
  --histogram                    open histogram on startup
  --fullscreen                   start in fullscreen mode
  --screen              <<N>>    screen # to use when --fullscreen is set
  --loop                <<N>>    loop setting (0=none, 1=cycle, 2=bounce)
  --go, -g              <<N>>    Jump to frame <<N>>
  --help, -h                     Show this help
  --version                      Print vooya's version and exit
  --plugin              <<file>> Load this very plugin (if enabled)

Type "vooya --help" on your machine to get more details.

The file can be a playlist file as well, a case in which the other command line flags are not used.
You can use a pipe to vooya's stdin, e.g.: cat myfile.xyz | vooya -w 1280 -h 720 --packing p420 --color yuv or cat myfile.y4m | vooya --container y4m On a Mac, you must use the application binary instead of the bundle, like so: cat ./miss_am_qcif.y4m | /Applications/vooya.app/Contents/MacOS/vooya --container y4m Since that is a bit annoying, you can download a wrapper executable and "install" it like so in a Terminal: sudo install ~/Downloads/vooya /usr/local/bin or, not having the "install" command: sudo mv ~/Downloads/vooya /usr/local/bin chmod 0775 /usr/local/bin/vooya Now you can use normal command lines like the above one, without diving into the bundle. Note that for the App Store version only known files are supported; a CLI is not what Apple intended for sandboxing.

(N.b. beta versions prior to 0.9.2 need a final "-" to signal stdin:) cat myfile | vooya -w 1280 -h 720 --packing p444 --color rgba -